(Singapore Management University)
Bachelor of Science (Economics and Psychology)
・北海道大学(Hokkaido University)
教育(修士号)Master of Education
:北海道大学(Hokkaido University)
Phd Student
社会文化的側面から、幼稚園の現場で行われている数的活動が、幼児の数的認知(mathematical thinking)にどのように寄与するのかについて検討する。具体的に、日本とシンガポールでの幼稚園における数と計算を含む活動のカリキュラム、そしてこれらの活動を行う際における教師と幼児のインタラクションを中心にして詳細を探る。
1. Ong, M. Y. L. (2016). Young children and mathematics: A relook at mathematical development from sociocultural perspectives. Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University, 126, 43-74.【査読なし】
2. Ong, M. Y. L., & Kawata, M. (2016). Examining the effect of playing an arithmetic-based game – “Chopsticks” on the arithmetical competencies of 5-year-old children in Singapore. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 15(6), 102-113.【査読あり】
3. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2016). The relation between frequently exposed context in the early childhood settings’ mathematical activities and arithmetic skills: A cross-cultural comparison of 6-year-old children in Singapore and Japan. International Journal of Education and Research, 4(5), 259-272.【査読あり】
4. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2016). The relation between arithmetic errors associated with base-ten structure and arithmetical development: Examining an incorrect counting method – “every 10 as 1 unit” developed and used by four 5-year-old Japanese children. Early Years. (Under Review)
1. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2014). The implication of socio-cultural medium on arithmetical development: A cross-cultural comparison of Japanese and Singaporean preschoolers. The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association. 15th Annual conference. Bali, Indonesia.【査読あり】
2. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2014). 幼児の加法計算における課題形式の効果 ―日本とシンガポールの幼児の比較から―日本発達心理学会 第26回大会 東京大学【査読なし】
3. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2015). The effect of Socio-cultural medium on arithmetic performances & problem solving behaviors: A cross-cultural comparison of
Japanese and Singaporean Preschoolers. The Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association. 16th Annual conference. Sydney, Australia.【査読あり】
4. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Takahashi, M. (2016). Influence of context in kindergartens’ activities on the arithmetical competencies: A cross-cultural comparison of preschoolers in
Japan and Singapore. International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development. 24th Biennial Meeting. Vilnius, Lithuania. 【査読あり】
5. Ong, M. Y. L., Kawata, M., & Lai, M. L. (2017). A case study of how a kindergarten teacher in Singapore used the “bridging” strategy to help 6-year-old children in counting money. Society for Research in Child Development. 2017 Biennial Meeting. Austin, TX, USA. (Under Review) 【査読あり】
marcruzong★edu.hokudai.ac.jp (★を@に変えてください)